November is off to a good start.
First, corn crop in Nebraska was harvested last week. The check is en route. It'll be nice to have a big nest egg in the bank again.
Second, claim assignments are coming in. I attended to one this morning in Koreatown in Los Angeles.
Third, the first sale of the month came in yesterday at ComiXpress for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan. Others have come in directly to me (I have a supply on hand for faster service, go to the link in this paragraph for more details).
My roomie and I took a jaunt yesterday to Pasadena to see the culinary school facilities of Le Cordon Bleu. She is thinking about taking their (one-year) course. We were very impressed with their program and their cooking classroom facilities. They also have cooking programs for consumers who may want to take specialized cooking classes. The prices for these were so reasonable that I am even considering taking some for the fun of it!
And, the second rainstorm within the past seven days rolled in this morning. The local mountains have a nice dusting of snow. And, I got a free car wash out of the deal!
Before we know it, the holidays will be here. Actually, we stopped off at Macy's in Sherman Oaks on the way back from Pasadena and did some shopping. The place was packed with shoppers! We got some good deals on some items. The Christmas decorations were all out in full force.
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