NBC News (a.k.a. the National Barack Channel) is in hot water for airing an exited recording of George Zimmerman's 911 call during the Trayvon Martin shooting.
The version NBC News aired on the "Today" show made Zimmerman sound racist and inciting racial tensions.
According to Fox News:
NBC's "Today" show ran the edited audio of George Zimmerman's phone call to a police dispatcher in which Zimmerman says: "'This guy looks like he's up to no good … he looks black."
But the audio recording in its entirety reveals that Zimmerman did not volunteer the information that Martin was black. Instead, Zimmerman was answering a question from a police dispatcher about the race of the "suspicious person" whom Zimmerman was speaking about.
A transcript of the complete 911 call shows that Zimmerman said, "This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."
The 911 officer responded saying, "OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?"
"He looks black," Zimmerman said.
NBC is now conducting an "internal investigation" over the airing of the edited version. Unless the investigation turns out to be a sham, some heads should roll over this deception.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/02/nbc-launches-internal-probe-over-edited-11-call-in-trayvon-martin-shooting/#ixzz1qv4GhXml
UPDATE (4/7/12): NBC News has fired the unnamed producter. From Breitbart's Big Journalism:
The result has been some action on the part of NBC News, but nowhere near enough. But hey, if NBC prefers death by a thousand paper cuts as opposed to biting the bullet and simply doing the right thing, that's fine by me.
At first NBC News thought they could make us go away by admitting the "error." The "error," of course, being the malicious, race-baiting edit of 911 audio in order to make a private citizen, who is currently in hiding for fear of his life, look racist.
Then NBC News thought an apology might end the growing firestorm.
Then, finally, just like a White House with something to hide about Fast and Furious, news was leaked late Friday that NBC had finally fired the producer responsible for this unpardonable act.
To think that this biased, irresponsible, race-baiter can now freely move about the cabin and get a job anywhere in the news business, free from public scrutiny, is a cover up.
Moreover, if NBC won’t name the producer, how in the world are we supposed to know someone has actually been fired?
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