Jumat, 30 September 2011

First Japan Trip: 10th Anniversary

Above, Armand with the Godzilla statue in Hibiya. Photo courtesy of Richard Pusateri.

Ten years ago this coming Halloween (October 31), I arrived at the United Airlines Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) terminal for my first trip to Japan. Up to that point, my only "foreign" travels consisted of automotive crossings of the Canadian and Mexican borders from the United States.

October 31 of 2001 was an uneasy time. The September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. were still fresh in peoples' minds. The National Guard posted armed (some say the rifles weren't loaded) guardsmen in airport terminals around the country. LAX was no exception. Security was (and still is) extremely tight at airports.

Above, Richard and Armand with Haruo Nakajima at the Tokyo International Film Festival. Photo courtesy of Richard Pusateri.

But, I wasn't about to let this heightened security stop me from making my first overseas visit to another country, even though my mother really didn't want me to go. As Japan is 17 hours ahead of Los Angeles time, I arrived at Narita Airport on November 1 (the International Dateline is crossed in the mid-Pacific).

The year before, fellow G-fan Richard Pusateri took a trip to Japan to see Godzilla x Megaguirus. After hearing his tales of adventure and grand time he had upon his return, I got the urge to go to Japan myself. Luckily, I was working as a temp at a Farmers Insurance claims office and security patrol at the time, so I was able to afford a Japan trip. All I had to do was to get a U.S. Passport, plane ticket and hotel reservations. In rapid order, all were obtained.

The 2001 Tokyo International Film Festival was featuring the premiere of Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-out Attack on November 3. So, I decided to time my visit for that. As it happened, Richard was also planning to attend and we met several times at Chili My Soul in Encino to plan the trip. At least I would know somebody while there (other familiar names and faces were also there, it turned out).

Since I was writing for G-FAN at the time, I was also able to obtain a press pass for the Godzilla screening. This allowed me access to the stage for the pre-movie festivities (below).

Following the movie, Richard and I rubbed shoulders with Haruo Nakajima, Hideyo Amamoto, Shogo Tomiyama and others.

Above, Godzilla prop at Toho Studios. Mothra rests nearby on a shelf. Photo courtesy of Richard Pusateri.

I was invited to take a V.I.P. tour at Toho Studios while in Japan and was able to invite Richard along. Fortunately, 2001 wasn't 2005, when Toho began demolishing the big pool and several of their old sound stages and facilities, so we were able to see the studio as it was when Eiji Tsuburaya and Ishiro Honda were making movies. One of the things we were greatly impressed with was Toho's old snack bar. It was like stepping back 40+ years in time. Unfortunately, the snack bar is now history. We were shown the studio by Executive Producer Shogo Tomiyama, spfx director Koichi Kawakita and Shozo Watanabe of Toho International following lunch in Hibiya.

For my first visit to Japan, I decided to stay at a ryokan (Japanese inn) to see what it would be like. It was an enjoyable experience (plus the room was cheaper in price). The ryokan was the Hotel Fukudaya in the Shibuya ward of Tokyo. The Tokyo International Film Festival would be screening the Godzilla movie at Orchard Hall in the Bunkamura in Shibuya, within walking distance.

Above, Godzilla entertains attendees of the film festival. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Hotel Fukudaya was also a couple of blocks away from a Denny's Restaurant (it was a surprise seeing Denny's in Japan). While I like Japanese food, I prefer to have a western-style breakfast. Denny's came in handy for that.

Above, Atami, Japan. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

My wanderings in Tokyo on that first trip included Ginza, Hibiya, the Imperial Palace, Tokyo Tower, the National Diet Building, Harajuku, Zojo-ji Temple, Shibuya, Shinjuku and Nakano (where I bought a few things from the Mandarake store). Outside of Tokyo, I visited Atami and some areas near Mt. Fuji. After all, I just had to include some Shinkansen (bullet train) traveling experience on the trip!

I also visited the HMV video and record store in Shibuya to see the Godzilla and Baragon filming suits from GMK on display.

One thing that was not planned was a 24-hour flu bug I caught. Thank goodness it only affected roughtly one day of the trip. Since then, I make sure I take Vitamin C tablets every day for about two weeks before a trip and continue taking them during the trip. (I have been back to Japan five more times and have not gotten sick since I started the Vitamin C regimen. This is a word to the wise!)

Above, with Shogo Tomiyama (far left) and Koichi Kawakita (far right) at Toho Studios. Photo courtesy of Richard Pusateri.

Besides the jaunts around Tokyo, Mt. Fuji and Atami, I attended an after-premiere dinner party at a Chinese restaurant in Nakano that included Kenpachiro Satsuma and Hiroko Sakurai. It was interesting riding shotgun in a taxi on a rainy night as the driver zig-zagged through traffic (Japanese cars have the driver on the right, just as in England) on Tokyo's side streets to get to the dinner party.

Above, the Nijubashi Bridge at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This was the trip that started me on the kaiju location article series for G-FAN and, eventually, The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

For me, it was a memorable trip and a highly enjoyable one. I decided then that I would re-visit Japan as often as time (and the ol' wallet) will allow. It is hard to believe that ten years has already passed since this trip. The next time I traveled to Japan was with the first G-TOUR in August 2004. I've returned there four more times (2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010).

Kamis, 29 September 2011

Monster Japan Travel Guide Article In Japan Travel Today

Above, Yuu Asakura with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Japan Travel Today posted the Japan Visitor article on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan from last winter.

Japan Travel Today is a blog that, as its name implies, specializes in Japan travel.

To view the article, go here.

Monster Japan Travel Guide In Pressu.com

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Pressu.com has picked up on an earlier press release on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

Pressu.com is a press release distribution service in the United Kingdom.

To view the site, go here.

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Gov. Perdue: "Suspend Congressional Elections"

Liberals are hilarious when they are in panic mode.

On Tuesday, North Carolina Democratic Governor Bev Perdue made the following statements (Source: Daily Caller):

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, N.C., according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Now she's claiming her comments were in jest.

An audio recording has surfaced refuting her claim by showing she was perfectly serious when making her comments. To hear it, go here.

"Suspend elections." That's sounds like something right out of a dictatorship.

New Look For The Rancho

Yes, you're at the right place and your eyes aren't deceiving you.

Recently, I was doing some house-cleaning when I found an envelope of photographs I had been looking for.

The envelope contained photographs of comet Hale-Bopp during its approach in 1997. My next-door neighbor, John Donald and I went to Mint Canyon near Acton, California on April 17, 1997 to photograph the comet. I used my old 35mm Olympus OM-1 camera's time-exposure settings to take the photos.

I've been wanting to change the "masthead" photo for this blog for a while and had in mind one of my Hale-Bopp photos. The old photo had been at top since I started this blog back in 2008. It was time for a change.

Like it?

Recant Christianity Or Die, Iranian Barbarians Tell Iranian Pastor

Above, Youcef Nadarkhani and his family in an undated photo.

An Iranian pastor faces execution if he doesn't recant his Christian faith.

According to FoxNews.com:

An Iranian pastor who has refused to renounce his Christian faith faces execution as early as Wednesday after his sentence was upheld by an Iranian court.

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who maintains he has never been a Muslim as an adult, has Islamic ancestry and therefore must recant his faith in Jesus Christ, the 11th branch of Iran's Gilan Provincial Court ruled.

This is nothing less than barbaric. Religious freedom doesn't exist in Iran.

To read the full story, go here.

“10 Most Laughable Movie Accents of All Time”

Above, Dick Van Dyke and Julie Andrews in "Mary Poppins."

This little item came across my desk this morning and it's a fun one!

Have you ever watched a movie in which the American actor(s) couldn't quite master a foreign accent to be even remotely convincing?

This list, “10 Most Laughable Movie Accents of All Time” gives examples of botched accents by actors.

The forward to the list states:

Admittedly, mastering an accent in a few short months is a difficult task, and one that should be lauded for those who succeed. But, in many cases, the outcome is pretty brutal, resulting in the bastardization of not only the character, but the entire movie. For whatever reason, some reputable actors either don't even try, or just aren't the best at their craft despite their reputations. The following who's who of Hollywood stars have appeared in numerous hits, including some with which they'd be better off disassociating themselves.

To see the list, go here.

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Matsushima Tourism Haunted By Atomic Fears

Above, Godaido temple with Matsushima Bay businesses in the background. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The latest article on the state of tourism in the Tohoku region of Japan has been posted by Mysinchew.com.

The article starts with:

Seagulls flock around passengers on the deck of a cruise boat, hoping for scraps; hotels and inns show no-vacancy signs and fresh oysters are served in seaside restaurants.

But despite an appearance of normality, business is far from booming in Matsushima, where serene pine-covered islands have attacted generations of tourists to an area classed as one of Japan's three most beautiful spots.

The guesthouses and hotels -- in a district the Michelin Blue guide gives its maximum three stars -- owe most of their business to workers helping to rebuild coastal communities shattered by the March 11 tsunami.

Matsushima escaped the worst of the disaster, its island-dotted bay breaking up the ferocity of the giant waves that devastated hundreds of kilometres (miles) of picturesque Pacific coast.

But the tourists on whom Matsushima's economy depends are few and far between.

The article blames the state of Matsushima's tourism on the ongoing problems of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The article goes on to state:

Fears about the effect of leaking radiation from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant 110 kilometres (70 miles) south have all but stopped the influx of visitors from China, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan.

Matsushima is one of the most picturesque towns in Japan to visit. It is often compared to Carmel, California in beauty.

As the Fukushima nuclear power plant is 70 miles from Matsushima, it is silly to by-pass Matsushima when visiting Japan. People should visit Matsushima as well as nearby Sendai. I had a great time visiting both in 2006. Sendai Station was featured in Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla II in 1993 and in Gamera 2: Advent of Legion in 1996. [See The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan for details.]

To read the full article, go here.

Next: "The Spy Who Loved Me"

Left, the first edition paperback of "You Only Live Twice" I finished reading last night.

Yes, I finished what I thought was the last Ian Fleming James Bond book I had in my collection, "You Only Live Twice." It is the first edition paperback as shown at left.

It turns out that I have one Fleming novel left (it was misplaced on my shelf) to read: "The Spy Who Loved Me." So I'll be reading it out of publishing order.

"You Only Live Twice" novel is vastly different than the movie version. The story takes place about nine months after Ernst Stavro Blofeld murdered Bond's wife Tracy. It does not involve spacecraft, but instead a mission to assassinate a Swiss doctor who set up a suicide "clinic" in a castle near Fukuoka, Japan.

Frankly, this story would've made a more interesting movie than the one Eon Productions put out in 1967 with Sean Connery.

On "The Spy Who Loved Me," we see 007 "through the eyes of a passionate woman." We'll see how it differs from the Roger Moore feature from 1977.

Senin, 26 September 2011

Evri.com Picks Up Monster Japan Travel Guide Release

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Evri.com has picked the press release on the 20% autumn discount for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan. The special price is available to orders postmarked from now to October 10.

Evri is:

Evri is pioneering a unique, topic-based approach to content discovery. Evri automatically and constantly indexes millions of topic-specific streams from thousands of different sources to filter through the noise of the web and deliver customized news experiences. Evri is based in Seattle, WA, and San Francisco, CA and is funded by Paul Allen’s Vulcan Capital. More information is available at evri.com.

To view the site, go here.

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Mozambique Travel Website Picks Up Monster Japan Travel Guide Release

Above, Yuu Asakura with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The travel website, Mozambiqueweb.com, picked up the news release on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan 20% autumn discount special. The special started last Friday and will continue to October 10.

Their page has changed since its posting on September 19, so the link below will take you to the cached version.

To view it, go here.

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Dark Shadows Cast Photo

Above, is a cast photo of the Tim Burton/Johnny Depp "Dark Shadows" movie from Entertainment Weekly. It is based on the 1967-71 soap-opera that was produced by Dan Curtis.

Depp steps into the role of vampire Barnabas Collins, originally played by Jonathan Frid.

Directed by Tim Burton. Starring Johnny Depp, Chloë Grace Moretz, Helena Bonham Carter.

Above, the original "Dark Shadows" cast.

Jumat, 23 September 2011

"The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan" Autumn Discount Begins Today!

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The special autumn 20% discount of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan starts today.

From today to October 10 (which is Japan's Sports and Fitness Day), the travel guide tailored to Japanese monster movie fans is available at 20% off the cover price. That's a $3.00 savings per copy!

Autumn is a great time of the year to visit Japan.

For details on getting The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan, go here.

Kamis, 22 September 2011

AOL News Posts Press Release On "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan"

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

AOL News has posted a link to the news release on the 20% autumn travel discount for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide to Japan.

This is a big one!

To view the posting, go here.

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Monster Japan Travel Guide Release At Easypay.com

Above, Yuu Asakura with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Online Travel Guide page of Easypay.com has picked up the news on the 20% autumn discount (starting September 23) of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

To view the site, go here.

Seesaa.jp Picks Up Daily Yomiuri Article On "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan"

Above, the article as it appeared in The Daily Yomiuri's print edition.

Seesaa.jp has picked up the link to The Daily Yomiuri's article on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan, "A Look Around Godzilla's Old Stomping Ground" from last December 24.

This article was from an interview taken in Hibiya, Tokyo by The Daily Yomiuri while I was in Japan.

To view the site, go here.

Selasa, 20 September 2011

Next: "You Only Live Twice"

On Her Majesty's Secret Service by Ian Fleming was finished (finally!) last night.

It is one of Fleming's best James Bond novels and I found that the 1969 movie with George Lazenby (as Bond) and Diana Rigg (as Tracy) was pretty close to the book, with some changes here and there.

The next book (in the order of publication) I am going to read is You Only Live Twice, which is set in Japan. It will be interesting to see the differences between the movie (with Sean Connnery (as Bond) and Akiko Wakabayashi) and the book.

Left, Akiko Wakabayashi.

Redperz.com Runs Monster Japan Travel Guide Release

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Anny Redperz's "Travel Japans" site has picked up the news release on the upcoming (three days from today) autumn 20% discount special for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

To view the site go here.

Senin, 19 September 2011

India's The Travels World Picks Up Monster Japan Travel Guide Release

Above, Yuu Asakura with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Travels World website has picked up the news release on the upcoming (September 23) autumn discount for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

Based out of New Delhi, India, The Travels World offers full-service on cruises, hotels, airlines, tours, car rentals and anything else a traveler requires.

To view the site, go here.

Budget Traveling Secrets Picks Up Release On Monster Japan Travel Guide

Above, Ai with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Budget Traveling Secrets picked up the press release on the upcoming autumn discount special for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

The site's "traveling pauper" focuses on traveling on a shoestring budget.

To view the site, go here.

Minggu, 18 September 2011

Monster Japan Travel Guide Autumn Special In Hoteldorm.com

Above, Yuu Asakura with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Travel website Hoteldorm.com picked up the autumn 20% discount release for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan. But it was in a roundabout sort of way.

They linked to my blog article on MyTravelBargains.com's posting of the press release.

To view the website, go here.

Post Quake, Japan Struggles For Normalcy

Above, the Saikai Bridge in Kyushu that was featured in "Rodan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

An interesting article on the state of Japan's tourism industry caught my attention.

The article is titled, "Post Quake, Japan Struggles For Normalcy."

Here is an excerpt:

Tourism has dwindled in Japan, where under normal circumstances, hotels could name their fees and anything amounting to a serious discount is generally unheard of.

Now, hotels and tour groups in Tokyo are offering major discounts in the hopes that a good deal will make potential visitors forget about things like earthquakes and leaky nuclear plants. The industry is simultaneously facing the double challenge of trying to offset the Yen's rise against the US dollar.

"Even top-class hotels have reduced their prices," said Yonehara Ryozo, president of the Institute for Japanese Cultural Exchange and Experience, who is among those tasked with getting things back on track.

Indeed, a four-star hotel room in the city's glittering Ginza district can now be had for between $120 - $150 a night, including all taxes. Not convinced? How about free breakfast and a room upgrade? No?

As regular Rancho readers know, I've been promoting The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan for those interested in making an autumn visit. To sweeten interest, I'm even offering the guide at a 20% discount starting on the Autumnal Equinox on September 23.

Also, as regular readers know, I've also been monitoring the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen. The dollar has taken a big hit in recent months with the current exchange rate at 1 USD = 76.7700 JPY (Source: Universal Currency Converter).

However, if deals can be had as the article states, they will take the sting away from the poor exchange rate. It is definitely something to look into if you are contemplating an autumn visit to Japan.

Besides the deals that can be found, travelers will enjoy the moderate temperatures an autumn visit will provide.

By the way, where did the article come from? Al Jazeera.

To see the full article, go here.

Alert Lock & Key Picks Up Monster Japan Travel Guide Release

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It is always interesting to see how "viral" a press release becomes over the Internet after I started using a press release service.

The latest is the press release on the 20% autumn discount for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan. It has spread like a "prairie fire" over the Internet and several travel-related websites have picked it up. Some even posted it on Twitter.

Alert Lock & Key has also picked up the release. They apparently are a Tarzana-area locksmith business. Well, anyone who spreads "the word" gets my thanks!

To view their site, go here.

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Onlinesportsbook.org Picks Up Monster Japan Travel Guide Release

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One never knows who will pick up a posting or press release on the Internet.

Onlinesportsbook.org is the latest to pick up the press release on the 20% autumn discount special for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

It appears to be a site for sports gambling although they seem to cover other topics.

To view the site, go here.

Jumat, 16 September 2011

Michael Reagan Considering Senate Bid In 2012

Left, Michael Reagan and Armand in 1977.

California U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein is reportedly having weak favorable ratings in the polls. This is leading to speculation on a possible GOP challenger in next year's elections.

Her support for President Obama's policies is the main factor.

Michael Reagan, the eldest son of former President Ronald Reagan, is reportedly considering a bid to unseat Feinstein.

According to SFGate.com:

One Republican who is considering a run is Michael Reagan. "Yes," he said in an e-mail to The Chronicle Thursday, "but can't talk about it now." Reagan, who has never held public office, declined to respond to further questions.

If Reagan decides to run he would have my full support without question.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/09/16/MNJT1L533F.DTL#ixzz1YAmbIthY

Silobreaker Picks Up Monster Japan Travel Guide Release

Above, Yuu Asakura with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Silobreaker.com picked up the news release on the 20% autumn discount special on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

About Silobreaker:

Founded in 2005, Silobreaker is an internet and technology company who offers products and services that aggregate, analyze, contextualize and bring meaning to the ever-increasing amount of digital information. Silobreaker Premium is the most powerful intelligence and media-monitoring product online; the Silobreaker Enterprise Software Suite offers a fully customizable solution for those who require installations behind their own firewalls; and Silobreaker.com is the award-winning free search service for news and social media.

To view the site, go here.

Monster Japan Travel Guide Release In Turnkeysiteforsale.com

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Travel website Turnkeysiteforsale.com has posted the press release on the 20% autumn special discount for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

They have postings on car rentals, cruises, hotels, destinations, flights, road trips, vacations and travel books.

To view the site, go here.

Kamis, 15 September 2011

ECPlaza Network Picks Up Monster Japan Travel Guide Release

Above, Ai with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The press release for the 20% autumn discount (starting September 23) for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan has been picked up by ECPlaza.net.

What is ECPlaza? According to their site:

Since started as a B2B business site in 1996, ECPlaza has grown to No.1 Trade Leader providing online and off line service to over 400,000 members. Based on export marketing, we are operating not only B2B website, EDI service, trade consulting and so on, but also offline trade-related services for SMEs.

With worldwide network and high brand recognition, we are extending our business field to the global market by providing great value such as more business opportunities, cost saving and convenience.

Over 4 million offers are posted in our website, which is the largest scale in the world. Besides, our B2B website is listed on the top level of several famous ranking sites such as Alexa, Rankey, 100 HOT etc.

To view the site, go here.

The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan Release In Japan-Travel.com

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Japan-Travels.com has picked up the news release on the 20% autumn discount (starting September 23) on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

Don't let the huge ad for "Understanding Japanese Women" (which may come in handy, unless you're gay in Japan) throw you. There's links to travel-related articles below it.

To see the site, go here.

Rabu, 14 September 2011

June Fairchild, Cinema Cult Starlet

Above, June Fairchild in "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot" (1975).

Back on February 24, 2010, I posted a blog about actress June Fairchild.

Although she had bit parts in some major movies, I wrote then that she has a devoted fan following. Several fans have commented on my posting, including one from her niece.

Today, I received a comment on the 2/24/10 posting from fan James M. Tate, who has started Facebook fan page for June Fairchild titled, June Fairchild, Cinema Cult Starlet.

I thought I would post the link here.

If you are a Facebook member and a June Fairchild fan, feel free to join!

Monster Japan Travel Guide Autumn Discount In Truthia

Above, Yuu Asakura with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Truthia.net has picked up the news release on the autumn 20% discount for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

"Truthia is a search engine aimed at Christians. Its goal is to deliver high quality and safe search results."

Autumn is a great time for a holiday vacation to Japan with moderate temperatures and bargains for airfares and accommodations.

To see the site, go here.

Selasa, 13 September 2011

Monster Japan Travel Guide Autumn Sale Posted At Deals! Deals! Deals!

Above, Ai with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Deals! Deals! Deals! travel website has posted the link to the 20% autumn sale on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan for those interested in taking a Fall trip to Japan.

On their "About Us" page:

Our Team is a small army of hard working individuals looking to provide a fast and friendly user experience. Unlike the large corporate companies out there you will find that our team consists of a small group of people that are available to their customers.

To view the site, go here.

Monster Japan Travel Guide Release In Squidoo.com

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The news release on the autumn 20% discount (starting September 23) on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan has been picked up by Squidoo.com.

It is in their Tokyo Travel Guide page.

To view it go here.

Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan In Tarzana.com

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The community in which I live is Tarzana, California. It is the former location of Tarzan author Edgar Rice Burroughs's Tarzana Ranch. It is a part of the City of Los Angeles.

Tarzana.com is a website for Tarzana businesses. The site has picked up the press release on the 20% autumn discount of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

To view the site, go here.

Senin, 12 September 2011

MyTravelBargains.com Picks Up Monster Japan Travel Guide Release

Above, Miki Hayashi with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

MyTravelBargains.com has picked up the news release on the 20% autumn discount for The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan.

It is on their "Discount Hotel and Travel Offers" page.

To view it, go here.

Travelpulse Posting of Autumn Discount of Monster Japan Travel Guide

Above, Yuu Asakura. A different photo of Yuu appears in the Travelpulse article posting.

The news release on the autumn discount of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan has been posted at Travelpulse.com.

Included with the article is a photo of Yuu Asakura, so you can't miss it.

To view it, go here.

Monster Japan Travel Guide In BizWire

BizWire Express has posted the news about the upcoming (September 23) discount on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan for travelers planning an autumn trip to "The Land of the Rising Sun."

To see the article, go here.

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Kaiju Fandom and 9/11

While we're reflecting on September 11, 2001 today, many things have come to mind. Some of these are in the relationship between 9/11 and kaiju fandom in the days and weeks following the attacks.

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, some speculated that 9/11 would spell doom to kaiju fandom. Some thought that images of collapsing buildings at the claws of giant monsters would be "too disturbing" for people to handle by reminding them of 9/11. In fact, some previously-scheduled television screenings of Godzilla movies were canceled allegedly for this reason.

Others, including news reporter talking heads, remarked that images of fleeing crowds of people from the massive debris clouds from the collapsing twin towers reminded them of giant monster movies (as in "life imitating art").

Another thing that comes to mind were the reactions of some people to a little banner J. D. Lees included on the top of the cover of G-FAN #53 (see image at right). The words on the banner read, "We Stand With America" and were flanked by the Canadian (G-FAN is published in Canada) and U.S. flags.

In letters to the magazine in following issues, several writers took issue with the inclusion of the banner for varying reasons. (Remember, emotions were at a fever pitch following the initial shock of the attacks.) Some felt it "inappropriate" to "inject politics" into a monster fan magazine and others felt that they read the magazine to "escape" from real-life. Lees wanted to express a little jesture of Canadian-U.S. international solidarity with the banner. The negative reactions by a few were a surprise.

Fortunately, as time went on, cooler heads prevailed and fans were still able to continue to enjoy their giant monster movies, and still do. People aren't as dumb as some media harpies try to portray them to be. People know the difference between fantasy special effects films and reality. If this weren't the case, then Cloverfield could not have been made (successfully, I might add), especially since the action in the movie takes place in New York City.

Thankfully, fandom of giant monster movies is still alive and well.