2012 will prove to be interesting in the new 30th Congressional District.
First, we have Rep. Brad Sherman facing off against Rep. Howard Berman for the Democratic nomination for congress. Berman is better known in the West L.A. area. But he and Brad Sherman find themselves in the newly-formed 30th C.D. So now they are fighting like two roosters.
Frankly, it is a choice between Tweedledee and Tweedledum. These are two hardcore left-wing liberal statists. Berman has been a career politician (allied with Rep. Henry Waxman, they formed the Waxman-Berman political machine back in the 1970s while in the California state legislature) who has been in Congress since 1983. Essentially, Berman is a political dinosaur.
Sherman is no better, policy-wise. But at least he is of the San Fernando Valley. They both supported Obamacare and the failed 2009 stimulus package that has put this country on the verge of bankruptcy.
It is questionable whether a Republican can win in the new district, but of the two GOP contenders, Mark Reed and Susan Shelley, Reed appears to be able to wage more of a campaign. He has big-name endorsements, more organizing and has already begun raising campaign funds. Since he ran in 2010, Reed has some built-in name recognition.
I am sure Shelley, a writer, is a good person, but it is my considered opinion that Reed would wage a stronger campaign in 2012 against Berman or Sherman. Accordingly, I am supporting Mark Reed again this year for Congress.
I've met Mark and he would be an excellent representative for the 30th district in Congress.
We need someone in this district to hit the ground running. Reed can do that.
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