It doesn't seem possible that this year marks 20 years since Superman died.
Well, not really. It was in 1992 that the story arc involving a mysterious new villain named Doomsday appeared. His story spread over several months involving Action Comics, Superman, Adventures of Superman and Superman: Man of Steel. And it also involved issues of Justice League America.
The finale came in Superman #75, the comic book where Superman gave his last breath. That issue came out in two editions: the regular street edition and a special polybagged edition (that also contained a mourning armband).
It was a period of slow news and the publicity machine of DC Comics roared into gear and people by the thousands, many who never picked up a comic book in their lives and some who haven't for years, lined up at comic book stores to buy Superman #75. My dad was even caught up in this frenzy and bought several copies of both editions.
Following "The Death of Superman" story arc, the comic books began a new story arc called "Funeral for a Friend," which dealt with the world's reaction to the death of Superman. This was followed by the "Reign of the Supermen" story arc where four "Supermen" show up and readers had to figure out if any of them were the real Superman, whose body was stolen from its tomb.
Ultimately, none of the four Supermen were the real one and the story ended with the return of the real Superman, now sporting long hair.
Many people had the misconception that Superman #75 would be a goldmine as an investment. It is not.
Last year, DC Comics completely revamped their entire line of comics, including this Superman (usually referred to the "Modern Age" Superman). The Modern Age Superman has been dumped for a new Superman (with a modified costume, sans red trunks).
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