Ghost Rider creator Gary Friedrich has been counter-sued by Marvel. He needs your help to eat and pay everyday living expenses while he pursues an appeal against the court decision.
Recently, Gary posted the following on Facebook:
Since the various news agencies and websites have reported the ruling against me on my claims against Marvel in the Ghost Rider lawsuit, and the assesment of a $17,000 judgment against me and my company instead, I have read an amazing amount of comments in my support on the internet, and have received many messages of support directly. Although the reports of my employment situation and financial difficulties as well as problems with my health are unfortunately true, I want to let everyone in the comic book world, especially my supporters and fans of the Ghost Rider character which I invented, created, and wrote, that I am going to appeal the Court's ruling and continue to fight this as long as I am able and that your support of me means more than you will ever know. I have heard your voices. I thank you with alll my heart, and I appreciate your thoughts and best wishes as I soldier on.
Feel free to keep in touch with me via e-mail:
Thanks again and God bless you.
Fellow writer Steve Niles has set up a donation page. To access it, go here.
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