Back in 2009 and 2010, the Obama Administration, along with the Democrat-controlled congress led by Nancy Pelosi in the House and Harry Reid in the Senate, told us that Obamacare would save us billions over the years once it is fully implemented. Those of us students of history (or any learned rational person) knew that this line of b.s. wasn't true and that the socialist legislation would cost us dearly.
We were right.
Forbes reported:
No serious policy person ever believed the original CBO [Congressional Budget Office] gross cost projection of $938 billion (over 10 years) made when the bill was rammed through Congress in March of 2010. Working to achieve an acceptable CBO “score” (i.e., cost projection) is just part of the game Washington plays with legislation—and the American people.
To begin with, the costs in the legislation were back-loaded: Many of the costs won’t emerge until the latter half of the initial 10-year projection, ending in 2019. And sure enough, when the CBO issued its update in March 2011 the 10-year gross cost projection through 2021 jumped to $1.44 trillion. The just-released 2012 projection tags the gross cost at $1.76 trillion through 2022—nearly twice the original cost. Surprise!
Surprise (!) indeed. In a nutshell, Obamacare is nothing but a fraudulent utopian scheme. All it does is expand government control over nearly 7% of our economy that will worsen medical care, not improve it. We were lied to about the costs.
Unless we elect a Republican president along with a Republican Senate to go along with a Republican House to repeal it, or the U.S. Supreme Court (it begins hearing arguments later this month) rules that Obamacare is unconstitutional, we are headed for a major disaster.
Did you notice that there has been no word from the Democrats after the CBO report about "fixing" Obamacare? Surprised?
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