A battle over voter identification laws in different states is heating up.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is railing against a South Carolina voter i.d. law.
The law requires that a person who shows up at the polls produce a picture i.d. to prove who he/she is. Simple, right? Not so to the whiny, crybaby Left.
According to the Washington Times:
Democrats argue that voter ID laws are designed to disenfranchise poor black voters, the voters least likely to have photo ID and most likely to vote for Democrats. They've been referred to as "a return to the Jim Crow era," Wasserman Schultz calling them "a full scale attack on the right to vote."
Republicans counter that the laws are designed to prevent voting fraud. The Supreme Court upheld (6-3) an Indiana law stricter than South Carolina's. Not only did opponents of the law fail to show that it systematically disenfranchised any group, they failed to show that it disenfranchised anyone at all.
The issue isn't fraudulent voters or disenfranchised voters - those are partisan boogie men designed to galvanize the troops - but uninformed and stupid voters. Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain. Against ignorance, we're too lazy to contend.
Remember all those 2008 shenanigans by those "community organizer" groups such as ACORN involving voter fraud?
From Fox News:
Nevertheless, a website of the Democratic National Committee refers to the photo ID push as "GOP tactics" and says: "Photo ID mandates are the most pervasive new restriction on the right to vote. ... They are costly and unnecessary and they disenfranchise voters."
The site goes on to say, "voter fraud is rare."
That is an assertion Republicans ridicule.
"We did a quick study," Norcross said. "In last 10 years, there have been voter fraud convictions in 46 states."
Spakovsky notes that just in April, "a local executive committee member of the NAACP was sentenced to five years in jail for voter fraud in Toneka County, Mississippi."
Most instances of voter fraud originated from the Left. One would be hard-pressed to find any originating from the Right.
Facts are stubborn things.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/12/28/battle-over-voter-id-laws-heats-up-in-states/#ixzz1i19MYFUS
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