Following my posting on Rush Limbaugh's analysis of President Obama's speech in Kansas, I received one comment. I rejected it as it does not address the message but attacks the messenger:
Yes, let's listen to a drug addicted racist for confirmation of your own distorted beliefs LOL
This person (who posted as anonymous) doesn't want to engage in the issue at hand, but resorts to attacking Limbaugh instead.
Limbaugh isn't the only one to come to the conclusion that Obama came out of the Marxist closet.
From the Canada Free Press:
Obama’s latest speech showed him for exactly what and who he is. Not as an incompetent, golf-playing fool, but a Marxist whose mission it is to destroy what so many others love.
But the ‘Taking America Marxist Speech’ also shows a huge tactical error on the part of Obama and his global masters: While he may have the Public School Indoctrinated walking zombie-like towards November 6, 2012, the Marxists looking to conquer the USA forgot that you cannot possibly wipe out the generations that came before the indoctrinated—including the ones that went out to the battlefields to keep the word safe from Hitler in World War II.
Those generations and those who were allowed to be born after shall never forget and intend to make Obama’s Osawatomie speech Obama’s Waterloo.
Some people will prefer to keep their heads in the sand and attack the messenger (a Saul Alinsky tactic), but others will see Obama's speech for what it reveals. It reveals a disdain (to put it mildly) for the free enterprise system.
To read the full article, go here.
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