"Do you remember how in 2008 he scoffed at anyone who called him a socialist? Do you remember how the media went after Joe the Plumber for reporting Obama told him he just wanted to "spread the wealth around"? Remember how we were mocked for calling Obama a "socialist" during the campaign? Well, yesterday Obama announced to the world in no uncertain terms that he is a socialist if not a Marxist." - Rush Limbaugh, December 7, 2011.
El Rushbo came out swinging yesterday during his review and analysis of President Obama's speech in Osawatomie, Kansas. Essentially, he says that Obama came "out-of-the-closet" as a socialist (or Marxist) with that speech.
In fact, it is, my friend, and don't doubt me, the same speech that Stalin always gave, that Mao Tse-tung always gave, that Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez and Kim Jong-il still give. Communist leaders around the world give this speech constantly. We've heard it all before, because class warfare is the fundamental principle of Marxism. Class warfare is how Marx explained economics and explained history. In fact, class warfare is how Marx explained everything. Now, oddly enough it's how Obama explains everything now. He blames all of the current problems on the rich. And to think some people still say Obama's not a Marxist. They won't even call him a socialist. It's willful blindness on the part of people who, I don't know what kind of state of denial you have to be in to have heard this speech yesterday or to have read this speech and to have not heard a call to arms.
To read Limbaugh's analysis of Obama's speech, go here.
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